digital branding

A Few Tips About Digital Branding You Probably Didn’t Know

Can you remember a great story from your childhood capable of sparking specific memories that otherwise you may not have retained? Your brand’s ability to tell an epic story through use of digital design, development and deployment will help as you work to build a viable consumer base that loves and trusts everything about your brand.

But what is digital branding and why is it important to the overall success of your brand?

The term “digital branding” has gained notoriety and a quick search shows that it has become a more commonly used term in the digital design realm. It’s more than a logo and some stationery materials.

Digital Branding embodies everything your brand stands for, from a digital perspective.

It is inclusive of all brand communication channels. It is the culmination of strategic design and development based on your experiences to help your target consumers identify, remember and love your brand.

Digital Branding
Digital Branding embodies everything your brand stands for, from a digital perspective.

A user centric approach to digital branding is the way to go.

If you are a brand owner or representative, you understand that getting in-front of your consumer or user is the top priority and main focus. Advances and changes in the way we do business and how we use technology to communicate provides an open platform for developing engaging, user centric experiences. The success of your digital brand will entail a full-range of tasks and activities related to overall brand effectiveness. Digital branding functions optimally as a portion of a bigger brand strategy which provides a channel of delivering excellent content that is easily measurable.

How social and digital media influence public opinion of your digital brand.

According to the 2014 Global Reputation Study with Opinion Elites conducted by The Nielsen Company59% of consumers said that in some ways, when they hear about a company through social media, they trust the information more than the information seen elsewhere. Brands who do not properly address how they are being perceived digitally but rather care for how they would like to be perceived, may pay exponentially in the long-term as 37% of consumers said they proactively tried to influence their friends’ and family’s perceptions about a company because of something they learned about how it conducts itself through social or digital media channels. Given the role digital and social media plays in our lives today, strategic and effective digital branding can enhance brand behavior and messaging to help manage the overall brand reputation.

What are the benefits of digital branding and marketing?

The television is likely to remain the primary way brand marketers communicate with their target market, at least for a few more years. Digital channels present a way to connect with target users and appeal to their compassion and good willed nature. Through positive, consistent digital brand experiences, a brand can begin to build equity and prepare for advanced market infiltration.

An effective digital brand and marketing strategy reaps benefits such as:

  • Enhanced engagement and leveraging word-of-mouth marketing
  • Content limits are literally non-existent
  • Content can be focused on specific consumer groups
  • Sturdy platform to build trust
  • Unlimited access to your brand and products/services

Finally, the tips we promised:

  • Develop a digital brand strategy based on your overall brand strategy, position and purpose
  • Be Authentic
  • Be Consistent
  • Be Social
  • Offer engaging digital environments that echo your digital brand and bring awareness to your existence
  • Thrive digitally!

At 8303, we’re focused on connecting brands and consumers digitally by creating and implementing brand strategies to make you more relevant, memorable and trustworthy in your target markets, optimizing conversions and maximizing ROI.
If you would like to learn more about moving your brand to a digitally elite status, Contact Us today!

6 thoughts on “A Few Tips About Digital Branding You Probably Didn’t Know”

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